No users have been added. If no users have been added, one user may be added for the first time. It is recommended to add at least one user with Administrator access before adding any others.
Users have been added, but no Administrator level users have been added. If users have been added, but none of the users have Administrator access privileges, then the existing users have Administrator level access by default. Once an Administrator level user has been added, only users with Administrator access privileges will be able to add, remove, or modify other users.
Manage Users
This option allows you to add, remove, and modify registered users. The access levels possible are Operator, Supervisor, and Administrator. Operator and Supervisor access levels allow for the deletion of test results from CAT-100 View. Administrator access is required to add, remove, and modify users. The exceptions to the Administrator access requirement are in two cases:
Figure 64 illustrates an example of adding a user to CAT-100 View.
Figure 64 - Adding a user